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How to plan and organize a React project — by building a weather app
Build this beautiful, small weather app and learn how to best plan and organize a React project. A beginner-friendly introduction to thinking in React.
In this article, we are going to build a beautiful, simple weather app with React.js. By doing this, we will discover and learn some essential skills:
- How to best plan your React project in advance
- How to organize your code meaningfully and maintainable
- How to prevent common mistakes while building
Unfortunately, learning these theoretical things is often rather boring than excited, although it is important. That’s why I like to put it in a more practical-approached context by building a real app. In the process, we will cover all the steps you need to create a well-structured and easy-maintainable React application.
Especially for beginners, this knowledge is essential. Because if you are coming from a vanilla-Javascript-world, writing React can be difficult at first. With this article, I would like to help beginners applying thinking in React. Most of the stuff I write about can be found in the official React docs. However, by putting it in a practical context, this article hopefully clarifies some aspects even more.